
The Rautajalka project is located in municipality of Kokkola, the project consist of 30-40 wind turbines.

Can I help you?
Krista Uutela
Project development
Project manager
PROKON Wind Energy Finland Oy
Pitkäkatu 34 B
65100 Vaasa
Rautajalka 1 3


- Municipality: Kokkola

- Number of WTGs: 30-40

- Total height: 300 m

Kokkola city counsil has approved the land use plan proposal for Rautajalka

In its meeting on 20 November 2023, the Kokkola city council has approved the proposal to initiate a land use plan for the Rautajalka wind farm. The proposal includes placing a maximum of 40 wind turbines in the area.